Danger in the Shadows by Dee Henderson Hailee, May 17, 2024 Dangerous Shadows by Dee HendersonPages: 324Method: KindleRating: 5/5 I am so glad that the author decided to write a prequel and give us the back story of the characters that are mentioned in book one, the Negotiator. I loved this story and the mature way that the characters had conversations and were honest but also pursued what they wanted and were realistic about protecting their hearts. There were two instances of faith, one from the FMC and one from the MMC, that I loved. First when the FMC thought this, “The entire basis of why she loved God had been built around her need for Him to protect her. He was a strong security, her refuge, and she had let that be enough. God had so many more qualities she should have been adding to that list over the years. Instead, she had let time slip by, content to know God in only one way.” This was so convicting for me. It made me ask myself, in what way do I know God the most? What other ways does he want me to know him? The second was when the MMC presented a compromise. They loved each other but they felt differently about having kids so he so proposed that they let God decide if they have children. “He knows your fears and He knows my dreams.” It hits even deeper after reading the book for context (I don’t want to give too much away) but the simplicity of this trust in God was heartwarming. They didn’t let it distract them from the fact that they loved each other and that with God at the forefront of their life they would be able to figure it out. Lastly, I have to say that the way the MMC pursued and protected the FMC was swoon-worthy. Not in an unrealistic, gushy romance type of way, but in a real-world, he loves her and he’s a masculine man, type of way. That may not make sense to some, but as a single woman trying to be realistic about my expectations for my future husband, it was enjoyable to read about how a man can take care of you and respect you. Book Reviews